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Writer's pictureRicky Brodie

Motivation Vs Discipline

Updated: Oct 8, 2022

Motivation Vs Discipline?

What is the difference?

Motivation produces emotion, but discipline produces results.


Motivation is usually driven by something you want to do and is usually limited due to it’s nature.

For example, if you’ve got a holiday booked and your flight is at 6am and you have to be up at 2am it’s very likely you will be up because you have this one off experience that’s excited so that is the motivation for you to get up.

Just like if you have a training partner who will go to the gym with you at 6am. You don’t want to let this person down so you feel this need to get up on time and be there.

Often this is why I had a high amount of PT clients early in the morning because this is what made them come and train but if left to their own devices they don’t have the same commitment.

Motivation can be a great tool to ignite the fire, the way this can relate to a lifestyle change is if you’ve caught yourself in the mirror and think now is the time for a change or even if you have some sort of health issue this can also be a big eye opener and something I’ve helped a lot of clients with and have also lead to some of the most incredible lifestyle clients I’ve had.

One that is a huge motivation for most dads is to be a good role model for their kids. This is how motivation can be a great tool but it doesn’t always last.

This is why people can end up chasing novelty such as new workout approaches, diet approaches and much more.

Because chasing motivation is most people’s focus.

Sometimes it can also be their downfall due to not feeling motivated to do stuff.

If you only focus on doing things when motivated you will struggle to be consistent.

I've worked with 100's of guys over the years who I've explained this to and once they fully understand this the whole process changes.

This is usually when they make a huge lifestyle change.


One of the google searches I found said the definition of discipline is

‘the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience.’

Personally I think this is a bit extreme but it does hold some weight. Discipline is almost like the programme that’s running in the background.

This is built from habits that you introduce into your life, usually these are created through the drive from motivation.

Discipline is when you turn up to those sessions when you aren’t really feeling it (that usually end up being the best ones)

It’s when you get home from a long day at work, put the kids to bed and then prep your meals for the following day.

Discipline without a doubt is the foundation of you having control of your life but this doesn’t mean you can’t deviate now and then.

In fact it’s extremely hard to maintain this without willpower and as we all know this is easy to deplete.

But this is what takes over if you’re not feeling motivated, so it’s very important to understand the difference and when they can play a huge role.

Just as an example my disciple plays a role in me getting up in the morning to train, some days I feel motivated and others I just have to go through the motions.

The blend of discipline and motivation is what allows me to stay consistent.

I don’t think that either of them on their own is ever enough, you have to enjoy what you’re doing or at least have a motivation for the end goal.

Obviously this crosses over into majority of aspects, it comes into my work life, home life and even down to creating content.

Although these things have huge benefits and often I’m very motivated to do them I also have the days that discipline needs to take over.

So don’t get disheartened when you find yourself not feeling motivated, it will always come and go.

Also don’t chase feeling motivated because this isn’t something you can force.

Hope this helps,


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